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20% OFF Discount Code: MARCH20| Free Ship $69CAD Canada & $59USD USA
20% OFF Discount Code: MARCH20| Free Ship $69CAD Canada & $59USD USA
茶树油、洋甘菊和积雪草 (Centella Asiatica) 提取物有助于控制多余油脂、收紧毛孔、提供水分并帮助舒缓受刺激、敏感的皮肤。竹纤维素片在皮肤上形成紧密贴合,以确保最大限度地释放精华。随着面膜干燥,它会变白并收缩,提供轻微的紧致效果。
1. 洁面爽肤后,敷面膜。
2. 握住提升线ⓐ向上拉,使口罩紧贴面部,调整至适合眼睛、鼻子和嘴巴周围。
3. 放松 10-20 分钟或直到出现标志,然后取下面膜。轻轻拍打剩余的精华液,帮助其吸收到皮肤中。
Calming and anti bacterial sheet mask
Great for travelling!
I bought these because Jimin of BTS recommended them to keep skin healthy. He is right. My skin hates everything, but it likes these masks. I use one every few days & my skin feels very soft & smooth after using.
Nothing very specifically different or I wasn't tracking for anything to say, I used it most of the time over weekends to unwind and relax. It didnt have any side effects or issues on my skin; maybe thats a good thing can't trust everything out in the market. I will continue to try out different options.
It's amazing how gorgeous my skin looks after using it, I love it!!! I like to put it in the fridge before use, the freshness is very good for me and soothes my skin, especially when I have my period!
Absolutely loved these masks and helped improve my acne! love this product and saw amazing difference when used once everyday! 100% ordering again
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