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Cosrx Acne Master Patch -2 选项
白天 - Clear Fit Master Patch 18 贴片
COSRX Clear Fit Master Patch 是一种超薄水胶体贴片,覆盖有渐变纹理。
比 Clear Master Fit 贴片更薄且不那么明显
夜间 - 痤疮粉刺大师补丁 24 补丁
斑点贴片可作为细菌屏障,防止继发感染。保护受伤或问题区域免于恶化,并保持皮肤湿度以防止进一步爆发。独特研发的亲水胶体材料,有效去除杂质,营造湿润环境,加快愈合过程。这些治疗痤疮的大师牢固地粘附在皮肤上,并通过提取杂质和减少发红来发挥魔力。 COSRX 痤疮粉刺大师贴采用可重新密封的小袋和无菌双层包装,保持卫生,使用方便卫生!
I have been using this pimple patch for ages. It reduces inflammation and also doesn’t leave me with scars most of the time.
I love COSRX products. What I didn't expect was that there would be multiple sizes of pimple patches on these sheets! It was a pleasant surprise. As expected, they worked well and stayed on my face overnight. For reference, I have oily skin.
My daughter is obsessed with these! I purchased these thinking it would last her forever - she blew through them in a couple months bc she uses them so frequently. She says they really help and wants more. You can’t beat the price!
Have always used this product and love it
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